Take Part

13-17 May

Shape the future of art music together with 1,000 professionals from 50 countries.

Classical:NEXT opens its search for the best, brightest and most forward-looking artists, projects, topics and interactive conference formats from all corners of the classical music world. It doesn’t matter if it’s early or contemporary, traditional or experimental, most importantly it’s heading “NEXT”.


Early Bird

A Classical:NEXT registration gives you access to all Classical:NEXT events including the expo, conference and showcases. Furthermore the Welcome Reception, Opening Ceremony, Innovation Award incl. Networking Farewell & Reception

Why attend Classical:NEXT?


Labels and Distributors

Meet distributors and discover artists and ideas.


Network and exchange with international colleagues.


Debate relevant issues, connect to international colleagues and scout talent.

Tech & Start-ups

Connect with the entire art music ecosystem; find new clients and partners.

Conservatoires and Higher Ed

Conservatoires – connect with the rest of the music ecosystem!

Artists and Managers

Meet, connect, impress and get signed.

Media & Journalists

Get a thorough overview over the international art music scene in just a few days.


Take home know-how and represent your composers.


Be visible and connect in the most popular aspect of this international gathering.

This is Classical:NEXT
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until 23 Feb

Per Person

330 €*

From 3rd Person

280 €*

Media Discount

240 €*


until 22 Mar

Per Person

380 €*

From 3rd Person

320 €*

Media Discount

280 €*


until 26 April

Per Person

420 €*

From 3rd Person

350 €*

Media Discount

310 €*


13-17 May

Per Person

450 €*

From 3rd Person

380 €*

Media Discount

330 €*


100 €*

Expo Stand


820 €*

Expo Stand


950 €*


What does registration include?
  • A Classical:NEXT registration gives you access to all Classical:NEXT events including the expo, conference and showcases. Furthermore the Welcome Reception, Opening Ceremony, Innovation Award incl. Networking Farewell & Reception
  • A one-year registration for the database and online platform C:N NET.
  • The registration also includes free drinks (coffee, tea, water) throughout the entire daytime Expo.

To book an expo stand (2m x 3m), simply select any free stand from the map during the online registration. A stand booking does not include a person registration.

All invited Classical:NEXT conference speakers will be registered free of charge. Classical:NEXT showcase artists plus one artist representative (if applicable) will be registered free of charge and will have access to all features of the event on all days. If you have submitted a proposal you will be informed in due time whether or not it has been selected so that you can still enjoy the smart rate if you have not been selected this time.

We care about the next generation of music professionals! Therefore Classical:NEXT offers a special student rate of 100 Euros + 19% VAT subject to capacity. The ticket will be valid for all four days and is exclusively reserved for students under the age of 30 who do not attend Classical:NEXT on behalf of a running business. Valid student credentials are mandatory! A student registration does not include a full C:N NET account (no public C:N NET profile and no access to the client database). Simply register online, check the box “student” (appears half way through the registration process) and send a copy of your student ID to registration@classicalnext.com. Welcome to the Classical:NEXT community!

We care about the next generation of music professionals! Therefore Classical:NEXT offers a special student rate of 100 Euros + 19% VAT subject to capacity. The ticket will be valid for all four days and is exclusively reserved for students under the age of 30 who do not attend Classical:NEXT on behalf of a running business. Valid student credentials are mandatory! A student registration does not include a full C:N NET account (no public C:N NET profile and no access to the client database). Simply register online, check the box “student” (appears half way through the registration process) and send a copy of your student ID to registration@classicalnext.com. Welcome to the Classical:NEXT community!

  • A limited number of press accreditations (free of charge) shall be granted to journalists who report on Classical:NEXT or our showcase artists, subject to approval. Note that accredited journalists are not listed as delegates at the online database C:N NET. One accreditation per reporting media only. To apply for a free press accreditation please contact us via email: media@classicalnext.com.
  • For all other full-time journalists and press representatives we offer the special media rate acknowledging the vital role they play in the dissemination of classical music and the discourse on this art form. For a media registration please send us valid press credentials via email: registration@classicalnext.com.

a Stand!

Early Bird

Shape the future of art music together with 1,000 professionals from 50 countries. Register now and save!

Labels and Distributors

Classical:NEXT is the annual global gathering for classical music labels to discuss current issues and conduct business. Major players align their annual meetings with the event.

  • Find distributors from all regions
  • Stay ahead and hear about upcoming publications
  • Meet publishers, artist managers, press, PR and marketing representatives, orchestras, presenters and many more to form new alliances and bring in new projects
  • Become part of a professional family and stay connected through C:N NET
  • Network with hundreds of classical and art music professionals both established and newcomer
  • Take on new adventures, new projects, new cooperations
  • Gather know-how from the conference that you can use in your everyday work
  • Gain extensive overview of the current scene and new trends
  • Learn about the latest in new technology
  • Offer your services to unsigned or non-established new artists and projects whom you can discover


Orchestras around the world share similar challenges which override the details of regional differences. With the future at stake, music professionals must orient themselves towards it. This is exactly what happens each year at Classical:NEXT – delegates take a hard look at the state of the industry to better prepare for the future collectively.

  • The Global Orchestra Network Meeting: compare best practice notes with international colleagues taking place in two parts – one open to all delegates, the other accessible only to orchestra staff
  • Discover new ways of presenting live classical music
  • Learn how to adapt specific concert series to specific audiences
  • Unearth new trends in programming, marketing, audience development and digital technology
  • Make new contacts from new sectors and new regions
    Become part of a professional family and stay connected through C:N NET
  • Gather global knowledge and expand your network
    Organise meetings with colleagues from around the world, in one place, at one time
  • Promote your orchestra!


Collect knowhow, scout extraordinary talent and network in a relaxed atmosphere.

  • Gather global knowledge by sharing and networking cost and time efficiently
  • Discover new ways of presenting live classical music, new trends in programming, marketing, audience development and technology
  • Meet with your peers at a network meeting reserved especially for festival-makers (for more information on this exclusive meeting and to request an invitation, please contact Audrey Brisack at audrey@efa-aef.eu)
  • Gain know-how from the conference that you can use in your everyday work
  • Make new contacts from new sectors and new regions
  • Uncover new artists and project
  • Become part of a professional family and stay connected through C:N NET
  • If you are selected for a showcase or project pitch, you’ll be invited to attend the ‘Meet the Artists’ reception and enjoy extra visibility on-site at Classical:NEXT

Tech & Start-ups

  • Reach hundreds of potential clients in classical and art music in one place over just 3 days.
  • Find partners and lay the groundwork for future cooperations.
  • Learn about your potential art music clients’ current needs in their respective work areas.

Conservatoires & Higher Education

Education is crucial for the future of classical music. Collaborate with colleagues from various sectors—composers, orchestras, ensembles, opera, publishing, media, management, and journalism. Explore new alliances within the comprehensive Classical:NEXT program, specifically designed for education and outreach. It’s the prime international opportunity for music educators to connect and extend their reach across different facets of the field.

  • Engage with all sectors of the classical and art music world
  • Learn about the current scene and new industry trends
  • Develop new areas of study to better prepare your students
  • Take part in dedicated sessions for conservatoires and institutes of higher learning
  • Gather know-how to inspire the next generation of artists
  • Discover new technology and how to use it to improve efficiencies in teaching
  • Exchange and network with new standing or visiting faculty
  • Take on new adventures, new projects, new cooperations and develop a new outlook
  • Become part of a professional family and stay connected through C:N NET

Artists and Artist Managers

  • Meet PR professionals, agents, presenters, distributors and labels in one place
  • Engage with orchestra representatives from numerous countries (Classical:NEXT is the base for the annual Global Orchestra Network Meeting, attracting orchestra representatives from all over the world)
  • Become part of a professional family and stay connected through C:N NET
  • Make new contacts in new regions
    Take part in individual mentoring sessions to gain important knowhow for being successful in today’s classical music world
  • Network with hundreds of classical and art music professionals from more than 45 countries
    Gain know-how from the conference that you can use in your everyday work
  • Take on new adventures, new projects, new cooperations
    Gain extensive overview of the current scene and new trends
  • Listen to great new music and promote your own

Media & Journalists

Classical:NEXT is the one place where all relevant classical music labels, artists, and press representatives worldwide gather annually to discuss current issues and make business.

  • Network with hundreds of classical and art music professionals
  • Keep your finger on the pulse and stay in tune with the industry’s current scene
  • Learn about the latest in new technology, from streaming to online platforms or marketing tools
  • Gather know-how from the conference that you can use in your everyday work
  • Meet the innovators, exchange with or report on people who invent new concert formats, go on new musical adventures, experiment with audience outreach or find new models to make a living in classical and art music
  • Stay ahead and learn about new trends and upcoming artists
  • Become part of a professional family and stay connected through C:N NET
  • Discover and listen to great new music


Composers and their publishers are called to join the debate on the future of classical music and the music business. Classical:NEXT is the international meeting for all sectors and thus the place for publishers to engage with the rest of the scene.

  • Meet orchestra representatives from all over the world
  • Connect with professionals from the new opera sector
  • Gather know-how from the conference that you can use in your everyday work
  • Gain extensive overview of the current scene and new trends
  • Find partners for international co-commissioning
  • Discover new trends in programming, marketing, audience development and technology
  • Become part of a professional family and stay connected through C:N NET
  • Take on new adventures, new projects and new cooperations
  • Listen to and hear about inspiring new music projects
  • Promote yourself


The Classical:NEXT Expo is the central hub for music, ideas, services and products. As an exhibitor, not only are you highly visible, but also a key figure in the consistently most popular element of the event.

  • Present yourself to 1,000+ professionals over four days
  • Be on display to more people than you could ever approach individually
  • Show the international professional community that you mean serious business
  • Have your own personal, prestigious meeting and presentation space
  • Join a large umbrella stand – ideal for country delegations, networks and large organisations to serve as a representation of their cultural activities towards the global industry
  • Hold receptions at your stand – free of charge
  • Special, prominent listings on our website, in the Classical:NEXT mobile app, and more
  • Save money – a stand is 910€ net, that is only a few euros above the price for a reception space