13 - 17 May


The Complete Audience Toolbox

A practical guide to getting more audiences into the concert hall

Chaired by:

Cecilie Szkotak Nielsen (Denmark)
Senior Consultant, RasmussenNordic


Søren Mikael Rasmussen (CEO of RasmussenNordic)

Getting more audiences into the concert can feel like an uphill battle, so in 2023 the Danish orchestras and RasmussenNordic developed a set of 26 tools and 6 inspiration lists addressing all the known barriers and needs of new classical music audiences. Anyone can use the tools and make audience-friendly changes without major strategy work.
The lead developer, Cecilie Nielsen, and CEO, Søren M. Rasmussen, host this session about using tools to create change.


  • An introduction to several new useful tools for brand, programming, concert concepts, data, hosting, storytelling & digital marketing.
  • Learn the needs and barriers of first-time audiences.
  • Learn which tools can counter which audience barriers.
  • Hear about the changes in Denmark after orchestras and ensembles began using the tools.
  • Discuss which tools you need in your organization.

The tools are based on research into first-time audiences: Young urbans (age 20-30), families (age 30-45) and empty nesters (age 45-65).
The English version of the tools will be published spring 2024.